Ulisse Delle Querce Nere

(Ch.Urbano del Diamante Nero x Ninette della Sinvessa)

Личные разделы

Whelped: 06.10.2006


Swedish Champion, Lithuanian Champion

Candidate to Champion of Austria
IDC 2014 Honour Class Finalist — 3 place
IDC 2012 Champion Class Finalist — 3 place
IDC 2010 Champion Class Finalist — 3 place
IDC 2008 Intermediate Class Finalist — 4 place
IDC 2007 SG Youth Black Males (Desio,at 11 months old)
Vice Intermediate Winner on World Dog Show 2008 (Sweden)
Winner of Swedish Dobermann Club Show 2007-Best Male (at 10 months old)
6xCACIB, R.CACIB, Multi Winner, Multi Junior/Young Winner
Multi BOS, BOB, BIG, BIS-1, BIS-4, BIS-5

MH-Swedish character test with best on shot
KORAD-Swedish Korung for life
IPO-1, HD-A, Cataract-Free
VWD-free (tested in Germany)
DNA-tested (Germany)
Cardio-Free (cardiotested 10/2014: no signs of DCM by ECHO Doppler, X-ray)

Urbano del Diamante Nero
Victor Vito del Rio Bianco
Moro del Diamante Nero
Zeni del Rio Bianco
Indiana del Diamante Nero
Nitro del Rio Bianco
India del Diamante Nero
Ninette Della Sinvessa
Quillam Quasim del Citone
Tigr iz Slavnoi Stai
Katrina Krystal del Citone
Cocacola della Sinvessa
Alfa Adelante Del Citone
Isabell V Marchengarten
National CAC Show Olands (Sweden) Judge Eddie Engstrand Exc-1,Young class, CK, Best Young, BEST MALE
National CAC Show Skurup (Sweden) Judge Per-Erik      Wallin Exc-1, Youth class, CK, Best Young, BEST MALE, Best of Breed,Best in Show-5
National CAC Show Helsingborg (Sweden) Judge Sinko   Stefan Exc-1, Youth class,CK, Best Young, BEST MALE
Special Dobermann show ”Championship of South Sweden 2007″ Degeber (Sweden) Judge N.Daube Exc-1, Young class, Best Young, BEST MALE
IDC 2007 WORLD CHAMPIONSHIP Desio (Italy) Judge H. Wiblishauser SG — Youth Black Males
International CACIB Show Vaxjo (Sweden) Judge Malo Alcrudo Rafael Exc-1, Young class, CK, Best Young. BEST MALE
National CAC Show Astorp (Sweden) Judge Thord Bystrom Exc-1, Young class, CK, Best Young, BEST MALE, Best of Breed, Best in Show-4
IDC 2008 WORLD CHAMPIONSHIP Nykoping (Sweden) Judge  H.Redtenbacker Exc-4, Intermedate class Finalist
World Dog Show 2008 Stockholm (Sweden) Judge  B.Corsini-Zanieri Exc-2, Vice Winner in Intermediate class
National CAC Show Lund (Sweden) Judge Roland Fors Exc-1, CW, Working class, CAC, Cert CK
International CACIB Show Vaxjo (Sweden) Judge W.Schicker Exc-1, CW, Working class, CAC, Cert CK
National CAC Show Astorp (Sweden) Judge   I.Andersson Exc-1, CW, Working class, CAC, Cert CK, BEST OF BREED, BEST in SHOW-1
International CACIB Show Malmo (Sweden) Judge   M.Kozlowska Exc-1, CW, Champion class, CAC, Cert CK, BEST MALE-R
National CAC Show Plunge (Lithuania) Judge  E.Kruus Exc-1, CW, Champion class, CAC, Best Male-2
National CAC Show Palanga (Lithuania) Judge  A.Sume Exc-1, CW, Champion class, CAC, Best Male, Lithuanian Champion
International CACIB Show Ronneby (Sweden) Judge K Edh Exc-1, CW, Champion class, CAC, CACIB, BEST MALE
International CACIB Show Jonkoping (Sweden) Judge Ilona Onstenk Schenk Exc-1, CW , Champion class, CAC, R.CACIB,  BEST MALE-2
International CACIB Show Jonkoping (Sweden) Judge Petra Junehall Exc-1, CW, Champion class, CAC, CACIB, BEST MALE,  BEST OF BREED
Special Dobermann show ”Championship of South Sweden 2010″ Degeberga (Sweden) Judge Ole Vandsoe Andersen Exc-1, CW, Champion class, CK, BEST MALE-3
IDC 2010 WORLD CHAMPIONSHIP Kamenny Mlyn, Slovakia Judge H.Wiblishauser Exc-3, Champion Class Finalist
International 2xCACIB Show Innsbruck (Austria) Judge H.Redtenbacke, N.Daube Exc-1, Champion class, 2xCAC, 2xBEST MALE, 2xCACIB, Candidate to Champion of Austria
IDC 2012 WORLD CHAMPIONSHIP Lago di Tesero, Italy Judge H.Wiblishauser Exc-3, Champion Class Finalist
IDC 2014 WORLD CHAMPIONSHIP Kamenny Mlyn, Slovakia Judge H.Redtenbacke Exc-3, Honour Class Finalist


Urbina delle Querce Nere


Владелец: Елена Козина Дэвидссон
тел. + 46 (0) 40-500-150
моб. 00 46 701-452-199
Е-mail: koppodoro@hotmail.com

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