«У» Помет / «U» Litter

Дата рождения-D/Вirth: 26.11.2014

3 black males / 4 black females

Кобели: 3 ч/п    Суки: 4 ч/п


Koppod`Oro Urdenus Uno

ч/п Продан

Koppod`Oro Urtado Udo

ч/п Продан

Koppod`Oro Uolt Uitmen

ч/п Продан

Koppod`Oro Ulmara Ulani

ч/п Продан

Koppod`Oro Urbina Uria

ч/п Продан

Koppod`Oro Ulissa Ultra Star

ч/п Продан

Koppod`Oro Urfina Ufara

ч/п Продан

Родители / Parents:

Koppod`Oro Gektor Grait
(Fan Fan de Gande Vinko & Pride of Rusia Dilila)
  Коppоd`Оrо Showbaby Shantel
(Ulisse delle Querce Nere & Graphic Line Maria Magdalina)
Champion of Russia, Champion of RKF, Champion RFSS, Young Champion of Russia, CCC, 2хJBOB, 2xBest Puppy, Best in Show Puppy, Best Baby, Best in Show Baby, OKD-1, HD-A, ED-0, Cardio-free: no sings of DKMP(by ECHO Doppler 2014)
Champion of Russia, Champion of RKF, Champion RFLS, 3хBOB, 6x BOS, BIS-2, BBOB, JCAC, JBOB, JBIS-3, ССС, 2xCC, OKD-1, TPR-1, HD-А, Cardio-free (tested september 2013 heart-EKG, ECHO normal, no signs of DKMP), vWD-free

Родословная отца / Pedigree of father:

Fan Fan de Grande Vinko           Tamerlan iz Slavnoj Stai Ugor di Villa Conte
Indira v.d. Raurberhohle
Notrdam de Vinko                    Jalu Ja’akov v. Diaspora
Gr.Shanel-San de Vinko
Pride of Russia Dilila Fedor del Nasi Baron Nike Renewal
Akuna Matata de G. Vinko
Barcelona iz D.Domeni Pimm`s Number One iz DD
Nestle Malin Uta Una

Родословная матери / Pedigree of mather:

Ulisse delle Querce Nere Urbano del Diamante Nero Victor Vito del Rio Bianco
Indiana del Diamante Nero
Ninette Della Sinvessa Quillam Quasim del Citone
Cocacola della Sinvessa
Graphic Line Maria Magdalina Rossiiskiy Kolorit Arbat Aldo Astor del Citone
Indira v.d. Rauberhohle
Nadya iz Zoosfery Fablan Fenris v.Diaspora
Smart Wood Hills Yutisia

Контактная информация / Contact:
тел/tel. +7 923 644 5819 (Наталья)
tel.+46 (0) 40-500-280 (english)
Skype : natalina0910

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